Financing In Africa
Financing In Africa: The Continent of the 21st Century for Commodities, Business Development, Entrepreneurship with Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is an ideal location for the expansion of financial services, development of Stock Markets, Listing of firms and assets, and creation of bonds for financing globally. All of the SSA Countries have international rating and bond issuances that outline the maturity of the market place.
In a trade zone interconnected across the African Continent with 12% of the World’s total population but only 2% of the total world trade, with 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land, and only 2% of the total world GDP and 1% of the manufacturing the opportunities are enormous. Why has it taken so long for the rest of the World to realize that Africa has all the globe needs for successful investment strategies, high-yield opportunities with social and economic benefits?
With 60% of the world’s diamonds, 5% of the world’s oil,a nd 30% of the world’s Cobolt, the mining sector is rich with resources. From the growing number of Gold Mines in Africa, Platinum Mines, and other various precious metals and rare earths, the African mining industry supports an impressive economic boom. A boom that will be matched with the requirement of agriculture and food to feed the next billion people who will enter this world’s population in the next decade.
Fact of the matter is that the impact of the global recession has been soft on the resilient African Continent, as their markets and financial progress has increased during this period. Frontier investments into African Markets is one of the key indicators of successful hedge funds and investment strategies to make up the yields for the “safe” investments they made prior in their domestic European and North American markets.
Insecurity in State owned businesses and the national sovereign ratings of most African Countries still possess a risk rating that is not investment Grade of BBB to AAA. However, the enterprises within the Countries are stable, growing, and financially prospering with the opportunity to expand now while competition and market penetration is still developing.
Now is the ideal time for a firm, such as UK Licensed Broker Dealer IFXBG Limited to penetrate the African Market with Joint Venture partners around the mandate of Financing In Africa. By supporting African Enterprise development through encouraging companies to set-up their divisions from North America and Europe in Africa with African ownership, working with existing developed African owned businesses, and funding the businesses in Africa. One of the key aspects of funding the companies is to assess the assets, property, ownership, revenue, and intangible future value to build a bankable business plan and financing tool. With the valuation, the IFXBG team can insure the investment and achieve a rating as an investment grade bond, MTN, or trust investment. Allowing African entrepreneurs and enterprise to access 5 million euro to 500 million euro. IFXBG (International Financial Exchange and Banking Group) builds the structures for bonds and listings on foreign markets that enable companies to finance themselves.
In some cases in the African Markets there is not enough liquidity within the local exchanges or they may not even qualify based on strict requirements of listing on African Stock Exchanges. The answer for these firms is foreign listings on new markets with IFXBG, dual listings, and bond listings to bring the foreign investment and liquidity through the foreign markets where the institutional investors feel comfortable making their investment. All African listed firms can dual list on foreign markets to increase liquidity and interest. In addition, subsidiaries can be built for their undervalued local assets to achieve listing and market capitalization of assets on their books such as mining properties, real estate, technology, and revenue based contracts, that may not affect their local market capitalization but would stand alone as multi-million dollar value internationally listed.
Africa and African owned businesses require assistance in the packaging of their assets, their businesses, and success for international markets and recognition that they may not be getting from their domestic market. IFXBG is the specialists in packaging value to ensure the success internationally of your companies financing efforts.
IFXBG Limited as a licensed broker dealer is focusing on 24 African Countries specifically and intends on expanding to support the entire African Union based on the success of the current target markets. With the internet and cellular networks penetrating nearly 30% of the total population of Africa and growing, a new generation of technologically savvy Africa is here. This new generation can find Financing In Africa online for funding in their specific African Country through these valuable portals of contact.
List of Countries Associated to Financing In Africa:
Main Markets for Financing In Africa
Developing Markets for Financing In Africa
If you would like to become a partner or associate to Financing In Africa in one of these regions please contact us,
In addition, we are constantly looking for volunteers for content and journalists willing to contribute to the network.
Financing In Africa
Financing In Africa is a complex network of financial exchanges such as the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the SADC region, the ECOWAS region, the African Union, all of whom are working together to try to integrate and link financial markets across Africa. The mandate and mission of Financing In Africa as a subsidiary of the IFXBG Limited ( is to assist over 50 African States in exposing their entrepreneurs, SMMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises), tenders, infrastructure, development, and Government to public-private financing globally. The services link unique securities and capital market products from all the top stock exchanges and trading platforms for commodities and markets in Africa to investors, issuers, institutions, buyers, sellers, and traders.
Financing in Africa carries a unique mandate with its counterpart International Financial Exchange and Banking Group an FSA Licensed UK Broker Dealer, who have partnered with various African Financial Forum’s and organizations to support African Union Countries. (
Contact Us:
UK +4420 8123 5719
South Africa +27110836116 ·
United States +1 (424) 777-2388
IFXBG Ghana Limited
Suite A, 5th Floor Silver Star Towers P.O. Box KA 30225 Airport City, Accra Kotoka International Airport Accra, Ghana
IFXBG South Africa
34 Sandown Hills 103 Katherine Street Sandton, Johannesburg 2196 RSA
Financing In Africa
Financing In Africa: The Continent of the 21st Century for Commodities, Business Development, Entrepreneurship with Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is an ideal location for the expansion of financial services, development of Stock Markets, Listing of firms and assets, and creation of bonds for financing globally. All of the SSA Countries have international rating and bond issuances that outline the maturity of the market place.
In a trade zone interconnected across the African Continent with 12% of the World’s total population but only 2% of the total world trade, with 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land, and only 2% of the total world GDP and 1% of the manufacturing the opportunities are enormous. Why has it taken so long for the rest of the World to realize that Africa has all the globe needs for successful investment strategies, high-yield opportunities with social and economic benefits?
With 60% of the world’s diamonds, 5% of the world’s oil,a nd 30% of the world’s Cobolt, the mining sector is rich with resources. From the growing number of Gold Mines in Africa, Platinum Mines, and other various precious metals and rare earths, the African mining industry supports an impressive economic boom. A boom that will be matched with the requirement of agriculture and food to feed the next billion people who will enter this world’s population in the next decade.
Fact of the matter is that the impact of the global recession has been soft on the resilient African Continent, as their markets and financial progress has increased during this period. Frontier investments into African Markets is one of the key indicators of successful hedge funds and investment strategies to make up the yields for the “safe” investments they made prior in their domestic European and North American markets.
Insecurity in State owned businesses and the national sovereign ratings of most African Countries still possess a risk rating that is not investment Grade of BBB to AAA. However, the enterprises within the Countries are stable, growing, and financially prospering with the opportunity to expand now while competition and market penetration is still developing.
Now is the ideal time for a firm, such as IFXBG Limited to penetrate the African Market with Joint Venture partners around the mandate of Financing In Africa. By supporting African Enterprise development through encouraging companies to set-up their divisions from North America and Europe in Africa with African ownership, working with existing developed African owned businesses, and funding the businesses in Africa. One of the key aspects of funding the companies is to assess the assets, property, ownership, revenue, and intangible future value to build a bankable business plan and financing tool. With the valuation, the IFXBG team can insure the investment and achieve a rating as an investment grade bond, MTN, or trust investment. Allowing African entrepreneurs and enterprise to access 5 million euro to 500 million euro. IFXBG (International Financial Exchange and Banking Group) builds the structures for bonds and listings on foreign markets that enable companies to finance themselves.
In some cases in the African Markets there is not enough liquidity within the local exchanges or they may not even qualify based on strict requirements of listing on African Stock Exchanges. The answer for these firms is foreign listings on new markets with IFXBG, dual listings, and bond listings to bring the foreign investment and liquidity through the foreign markets where the institutional investors feel comfortable making their investment. All African listed firms can dual list on foreign markets to increase liquidity and interest. In addition, subsidiaries can be built for their undervalued local assets to achieve listing and market capitalization of assets on their books such as mining properties, real estate, technology, and revenue based contracts, that may not affect their local market capitalization but would stand alone as multi-million dollar value internationally listed.
Africa and African owned businesses require assistance in the packaging of their assets, their businesses, and success for international markets and recognition that they may not be getting from their domestic market. IFXBG is the specialists in packaging value to ensure the success internationally of your companies financing efforts.
IFXBG Limited as a licensed broker dealer is focusing on 24 African Countries specifically and intends on expanding to support the entire African Union based on the success of the current target markets. With the internet and cellular networks penetrating nearly 30% of the total population of Africa and growing, a new generation of technologically savvy Africa is here. This new generation can find Financing In Africa online for funding in their specific African Country through these valuable portals of contact.
List of Countries Associated to Financing In Africa:
Main Markets for Financing In Africa
Developing Markets for Financing In Africa
If you would like to become a partner or associate to Financing In Africa in one of these regions please contact us,
In addition, we are constantly looking for volunteers for content and journalists willing to contribute to the network.
Financing In Africa
Financing In Africa is a complex network of financial exchanges such as the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the SADC region, the ECOWAS region, the African Union, all of whom are working together to try to integrate and link financial markets across Africa. The mandate and mission of Financing In Africa as a subsidiary of the IFXBG Limited ( is to assist over 50 African States in exposing their entrepreneurs, SMMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises), tenders, infrastructure, development, and Government to public-private financing globally. The services link unique securities and capital market products from all the top stock exchanges and trading platforms for commodities and markets in Africa to investors, issuers, institutions, buyers, sellers, and traders.
Financing in Africa carries a unique mandate with its counterpart International Financial Exchange and Banking Group, who have partnered with various African Financial Forum’s and organizations to support African Union Countries. (
Contact Us:
France Paris : +33 (977) 219 007
UK London : +44 (20) 3286 6007
SA Pretoria : +27 (12) 743 5007
New York City : +1 (914) 613-3007
New Zealand Auckland : +64 98899007
IFXBG Ghana Limited
Suite A, 5th Floor Silver Star Towers P.O. Box KA 30225 Airport City, Accra Kotoka International Airport Accra, Ghana
IFXBG South Africa
34 Sandown Hills 103 Katherine Street Sandton, Johannesburg 2196 RSA